25 september 2012

"If there was even 1% of humanity in the world, this wouldn’t happen." Wael, 16.

Idag tänker jag ägna detta utrymme åt en helt annan konflikt, i en annan del av världen.

I Syrien pågår sedan över ett år tillbaka en fruktansvärt våldsam och förödande konflikt, och även om det uppmärksammas på nyheterna är det få som faktiskt vet vad som försigår i stora delar av landet. Endast ett fåtal hjälporganisationer har kunnat ta sig in, men de flesta befinner sig alla på andra sidan gränsen till antingen Jordanien, Irak eller Libanon. Dit väller flyktingar i tusental, och historierna de berättar om sina upplevelser är fasansfulla.

Rädda Barnen har samlat ett antal vittnesmål från barn, rapporten (på engelska) finns här:
Syriens bortglömda barn

Det är fruktansvärd läsning. Jag kommer inte halvvägs innan tårarna rinner. Vad är det för fel på mänskligheten - vilken 10-åring ska behöva ha följande historia att berätta:

I was on the street when the bullets were first fired. We were standing outside a school – we’d just posed for a photo. There were lots of children around. Then the shooting started. There was chaos. Everyone was screaming. There were bullets and blood everywhere.

A boy called Amjad was standing next to me. He was shot in the head. I didn’t realise at first that he was dead. He fell forward on his knees, in a praying position. He was 15. Then I felt a terrible pain. I’d been shot too – in my neck. Here, see my scars [Munther has two bullet-sized wounds on his neck, one in the front and to one side of his neck, the other in the back of his neck].

Luckily I was with my friend’s mother. She picked me up and took me straight to a clinicto get help. I recovered from the shooting. We held a funeral for Amjad. Lots of people came. We made a statue of Amjad and put his own school uniform on it. Then we carried the statue through the streets. I was so sad
that day. - Munther, 10 år

Eller vilken förälder:

My children have been devastated by this conflict. My son Ala’a cries a lot without telling us why and he’s started sleepwalking. My other child has started to stutter. The younger children still cry when a plane goes overhead or a pot falls to the ground. They’re traumatised. I’ve spoken to lots of parents and they say the same thing.

No child has escaped this. Children aren’t children anymore. Watch any child. They playand look normal, but they can only keep this up for a while, and then they become sad again.

In Syria I buried two children with my own hands – Maher, who was 11, and Wasem, who was three. They were both executed with knives to punish their parents. I carried Wasem’s body after it was dumped in the village. He had his neck cut through from the back, and a bullet in his elbow. I remember thinking as I picked up his body that his arm was not attached properly. But then I realised, of course, it did not matter, he was already dead. Wasem was a lovely child – so talkative. Everyone in the village loved to see him play and smile. Now he’s dead. - Nabil, pappa

Jag är förbannad. Det borde du också vara.

Jag är uppenbarligen partisk, så jag tänker uppmana er att först och främst hjälpa till att sprida länken till rapporten ovan, och därefter att hjälpa Rädda Barnen att hjälpa. Men det spelar egentligen ingen roll vilken organisation man väljer, huvudsaken är att man väljer.

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